Inmotion Downtown Dallas, Inc. Staff Ride DART

Posted on Dec 13, 2017 by guestauthordartorg

Employees Embrace Multimodal Travel

By Matt Thomas, Downtown Dallas, Inc. Downtown Dallas, Inc. and DART have a deep-rooted relationship. For more than a decade, DDI - the nonprofit organization supporting the safety and improvement of greater Downtown Dallas - has participated in DART's Employer Annual Pass Program. DDI President and CEO Kourtny Garrett says the organization pays for annual passes because it gives our employees options. "The program also supports our values as an organization to promote public transit use and is consistent with trends in today's workforce, particularly the desires of young talent," Garrett said. "As we continue to work with DART and the city of Dallas to improve and expand multimodal transportation options, it is important that we set the example for other downtown employers." Approximately 30 DDI employees, including members of our Downtown Safety Patrol and Clean Team, use DART either daily or several times a week to commute to the city's urban core. When I started working for DDI in July as the new communications director, I began riding the Red Line from Downtown Plano Station to the West End. It's nice to look out from the train at the traffic crawling along Central Expressway every morning and afternoon and not have to worry about that added stress. My colleague, Doug Prude, economic development and planning analyst, has used the light rail to get to work in the Main Street District since joining DDI last year. "DART gets me to work consistently on time. It removes variables like traffic, construction and most weather, while allowing me time to catch up on news and sports, check emails and calendar appointments, or watch a show that I've downloaded to my phone," Prude said. "Taking transit removes the hassle of finding a parking spot and cuts the costs of maintaining and fueling my SUV."


Learn more about how DART keeps you moving in our winter issue of Inmotion.
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