Input Needed! Complete the DARTzoom Survey

1 -Don’t miss your chance to give us your feedback 1 -Don’t miss your chance to give us your feedback
Posted on Mar 31, 2021 by DART Daily

DART is completely redesigning its bus network and we want to know what you, our riders, think of the draft bus service plan

On the DARTzoom Survey page, look at the interactive map to see how service near you would change. Then click on the routes in the interactive map to see where they go, and how frequently buses would come. Be sure to look at all areas where you typically travel, not just where you live.

Then scroll to the bottom of the DARTzoom Survey page and hit the button that says, Start Survey.”

The new bus network should improve service for nearly 90% of our riders. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Less travel time – Greater frequency on bus routes and rail lines means you can get on board sooner and wait less when you transfer, speeding up your complete trip.
  • More travel options – You can plan trips using a combination of transportation modes including bus, rail, GoLink, and Uber with help from the free GoPass® app.
  • Access to more jobs – Bus routes will go closer to more employers and shorter travel times will expand the number of jobs within a reasonable commute time.

DART is collecting community input on the draft bus network plan between now and the public hearing, which will be in June. Check often to review the draft bus network plan, find online community meeting dates, participate in surveys, and more.

In addition to completing the survey, there are other ways to stay involved. You can join the project email list at the bottom of the home page and you’ll receive regular updates and an invitation to any future surveys. You also may request special briefings for your neighborhood organization, or other interested groups, throughout the duration of the project by contacting [email protected] or 214-749-2790.

The new bus service plan goes into effect on January 24, 2022.


Categories : Knowledge
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