Thursday, April 9 is
Stand Up for Transportation Day where transportation agencies across the nation are calling attention to the importance of infrastructure investment and the need for a
long-term surface transportation authorization bill.
"Stand Up for Transportation Day is a single day when all transportation organizations and their coalition partners unite in common purpose with a unified message," said APTA Chair Phillip Washington, who serves as general manager and chief executive officer of Denver’s Regional Transportation District. "It's time to set aside partisanship and once again act in the best interest of our country to repair, strengthen and build transportation infrastructure.”
In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, DART will be joined by Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, U.S. Rep. Marc Veasey, and officials from
DFW International Airport and the
North Central Texas Council of Governments to talk about how federal investment is crucial to North Texas' transportation infrastructure.
One specific project being highlighting is the new
Dallas Streetcar. The Dallas Streetcar began with a $26 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. It begins service on Monday, April 13.
What do you think? Do you Stand Up for Transportation? Our infrastructure needs your support.