Join Our Fight Against Human Trafficking

Posted on Jan 3, 2018 by dartdallas
161-046-1118 Trafficking2018 Infotainment ENG DART commits to protecting North Texans against human trafficking, and invites you to join the fight to end this illicit activity. January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, yet our effort to end this crime continues year-round. Part of that effort includes helping you stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Open your eyes to the signs of human trafficking. According to the Unites States Department of Homeland Security’s website, these signs include dramatic changes in behavior, clues of mental or physical abuse and a fearful, timid, or submissive nature. If you suspect something, call federal law enforcement at 1-866-347-2423 or submit an online tip at Individuals looking for help can call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733). Safe Place DART’s fight against human trafficking also involves working with Safe Place, a national youth outreach and prevention program for young people needing immediate help and safety. The program transports youth escaping dangerous situations to the nearest QuikTrip convenience store, a designated “safe place” and a part of the national effort since 1991. Once inside the store, runaways and at-risk youth can wait for a Safe Place agency partner to connect them with professional help. Safe Place gives help immediately to those in crisis by extending the reach of local youth services, shelters, and organizations.  Young people in crisis can approach DART staff and let them know they need help. DART staff are trained to work in coordination with other local organization to transport children and youth to safety. U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transportation Leaders Against Human Trafficking In 2013, DART officials signed the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transportation Leaders Against Human Trafficking initiative. Since 2014, our police officers, fare enforcement officers, and bus and rail operators received training on how to spot and report possible indicators of human trafficking. The agency continues to highlight the issue with informational posters on our buses and trains, as well as collaborates with transportation entities to help you recognize and report potential trafficking.  
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