March Capital Planning Projects Periodical

Posted on Mar 11, 2019 by dartdallas
The Deal on D2 DART is always keen to hear from our customers and over the past year we’ve held a series of meetings about the D2 Subway to do just that. Starting with a stakeholder kick-off event in June, an interagency/technical meeting in July, a series of focus-area workshops in August, public meetings in September and several one-on-one discussions, we have been excited to hear all of your ideas and feedback. DART considers all of your contributions and uses them to shape the urban design vision for the D2 Subway, including station access portals. Missed the meetings or want more information? Check out for presentations and maps. Stay tuned for our next round of public meetings in April! What’s Crackin’ On the Cotton Belt 2019 is going to be an exciting year for the Cotton Belt with the final project design set to get started in the coming months.  In addition to design, there will be a lot of activity on topics like the station Art & Design programs and neighborhood betterments. We’ll be holding a series of community meetings starting March 21 to make sure you have all the information you need as the design is finalized and before construction begins – check out for details. New Mobility Mentions Have you heard? DART recently signed a five-year deal with Element Markets Renewable Energy to provide renewable natural gas for DART's fleet of 650 buses. In addition to providing clean fuel to power our buses, the deal has the potential to generate up to $11 million in revenue for DART over the life of the contract by monetizing Renewable Identification Number credits. This revenue will be put to good use as we move North Texas forward. DART is also adding 41 new buses in 2019 to expand bus service and improve schedules and frequency as part of the August 2019 service changes. The DART Download There’s so much happening across the DART network in March that we want to keep you in the loop about:
  • We’re holding a Public Hearing on March 12 to discuss the proposed August 2019 bus service changes. Check out for details.
  • We will be operating additional services for the St. Patrick’s Parade on Saturday, March 16. For more information, go to
  • Between March 30 and September, DART will be suspending weekend rail services in downtown Dallas to perform essential track improvements and rail replacements. Bus shuttles will be available. For more information, including details of which rail segments will be affected, visit:
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