Meet Kevin
Posted on Oct 27, 2017 by dartdallas
Name: Kevin Age: 19 Occupation: Student, Southern Methodist University Hometown: San Diego, CA How DART Impacts My Life: In high school, I had always dreamed of going to college in Texas! Southern Methodist University in Dallas had the program and degree I was looking to earn. I knew that with access to Dallas, I could experience internships and real-world learning. Moving from San Diego was a big deal after graduation. Student loans were expenses I was willing to take on, but paying for a car and auto insurance was not. Luckily, SMU is right off of the Blue, Red and Orange lines. Access to public transit was definitely an item on my check off list for my dream school requirements. I decided that having a part-time job would give me a little income during school. Luckily, at SMU I can easily hop on DART and get to my job in the city as a barista at a local coffee shop. I chose to pursue a business degree at SMU because North Texas is a great place for employment opportunities. Part of that comes from businesses relocating their headquarters from other states to North Texas. In fact, twenty of the biggest business relocations from 2015-2017 created more than 7,600 jobs in North Texas alone! Living in a city that is also home to business opportunities makes job searching after graduation a whole lot easier. Plus, I can depend on DART to get me to class on time, shuttle me to my part-time job, and drop me off at my internship downtown. DART has been part of my college experience, giving me the ability to access the region I hope to call home even after graduation. Check out our latest animated video featuring Kevin and a few others living and working in North Texas.
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