News bits DART may sell naming rights to stations, lines

Posted on Apr 28, 2014 by thudsondd
State Farm TOD Bush Station 4-4-14_13 DART is developing a policy to sell the naming rights to rail station and lines, according to a story reported by The Dallas Morning News.
DART sees selling the naming rights as a way to secure more revenue. The agency’s main source of funds is a 1-cent sales tax from each of its 13 member cities. Naming rights could be bringing in an estimated $4.9 million a year in about 11 years or so. That’s about what DART earns from selling advertising on buses and trains.
DART's Senior Consumer Programs Manager Bob English told the board that a typical advertising model will determine the cost of naming rights. There are 61 total rail stations and four rail lines that could be renamed. DART may sell naming rights for its rail lines and stations []
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