North Texans Can Help Hurricane Harvey Evacuees

Posted on Aug 28, 2017 by dartdallas
Thousands of people have escaped flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey and have found themselves in emergency shelters here in North Texas. There are currently three emergency shelters in Dallas for Hurricane Harvey Evacuees:
  • Walnut Hill Recreation Center on Midway Road
  • Tommie Allen Recreation Center on Bonnie View Road
  • Samuell Grand Center on East Grand Avenue
All three shelters are staffed 24/7 by American Red Cross volunteers. A fourth shelter is expected to open tomorrow at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Downtown Dallas, which can accommodate up to 5,000 people. Here is how you can help: Volunteer: Volunteers may be needed to help evacuees at the emergency shelters. If you are interested in volunteering, you may register online. Provide Supplies: Lots of items are needed, including diapers, baby wipes, toiletries, nonperishable food, including baby food, etc. Trusted World is operating a donation center at 15660 North Dallas Parkway (north of Arapaho Road) in Dallas, from 3 to 8 p.m. through Sept. 1. Click here for a list of drop off locations operated by Trusted World. Donate: The Salvation Army, the American Red Cross and North Texas Food Bank have information about Hurricane Harvey on their respective websites and how you can contribute to relief efforts. Support SPCA: Hundreds of animals are being displaced because of Hurricane Harvey and are heading to North Texas. SPCA of Texas is asking for donations of cat litter, litter boxes, towels, blankets, treats, toys and newspaper. Click here to learn how you can give.  
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