Open Your Eyes to the Signs of Human Trafficking

Posted on Feb 6, 2018 by dartdallas DART’s commitment to raise awareness about human trafficking includes helping you understand your part in the fight. The following video from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign gives you an overview of this crime. Take a moment to understand the signs of human trafficking. The victims of this crime are often invisible and identifying these clues and reporting a tip may save a life. According to the Unites States Department of Homeland Security’s website, some of these indicators include:
  • Physical bruises in various stages of healing
  • Fearful, timid or submissive nature
  • A lack of personal belongings
If you suspect something, call federal law enforcement at 1-866-347-2423 or submit an online tip at Individuals looking for help can call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733). DART’s focus to protect its riders also includes training our officers and operators on how to spot warning signs and partnering with other transportation leaders, such as in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transportation Leaders Against Human Trafficking initiative. The agency continues to highlight the issue with informational posters on our buses and trains to help you further recognize and report potential trafficking.
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