Raising the Bar Platform Extensions – Funding 411

Posted on Jan 29, 2019 by dartdallas

Platform extensions to the Red and Blue lines will allow DART to upgrade to three-car trains during peak periods. In Part Four of our series Raising the Bar: Platform Extensions, we will be delving into how much this project will cost, and how it gets paid for.

The construction work required to extend platforms at 28 stations will cost a total of $128.8 million, but not all of that comes from one place. Getting a project like this off the ground takes cooperation at both federal and state levels. Here’s how funding a project like platform extensions comes together:


Federal funding from the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program covers $60.8 million of the platform extensions project. The CIG is a discretionary grant program that funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit. DART received two grants: an initial CIG grant of $58.8 million, followed by a further $2 million grant in November 2018.

State and Local

The state government’s contribution to the platform extensions project amounts to $60 million and comes from a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation’s Mobility Fund.

Local DART funding makes up the remaining $8 million in funding for the project, which comes from a 1% local sales tax dedicated to transit.

With the project fully funded, the next steps will be to award contracts, which DART expects will occur within the next few months. Construction work on the platform extension will be carried out in five phases, keeping trains running throughout.

To keep up to date with the progress of the platform extensions project, check out www.dart.org/about/expansion/platformextensions.asp and stay tuned for updates on DART Daily.

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