Love is in the air … and on the train.
This Valentine’s Day, Melody Clary sat close to her husband Ryan on the
Green Line as it passed
Pearl/Arts District Station. They were headed to grab burgers for lunch.
“It doesn’t really matter where we’re going or what we’re doing, as long as we’re together,” Melody said.
The couple usually takes the
Blue or
Orange lines to work in the morning, and Melody said it beats waiting in traffic.
Ten years ago, Ryan took Melody to a carnival and dance, and that’s when it clicked that Melody would be the one for him.
“I just knew,” he said.
One thing Ryan likes about riding DART with his wife is that she helps them navigate their trips.
For Melody, traveling with Ryan makes for a more pleasant ride.
“He’s comfy if I want to lay my head on his shoulder,” she said.