Riders Can Now Apply Online for a Discount GoPass Tap Card

Discount GoPass Tap Card Program Discount GoPass Tap Card Program
Posted on Jul 28, 2021 by DART Daily

Qualified individuals can apply online for a Discount GoPass® Tap card from the program’s webpage at DART.org/TapForHalf.

Discount GoPass Tap is a pilot program that offers a 50% discount on regular full-price adult fares to riders who currently receive assistance from a qualifying program, which include:

  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
  • DHA: Housing Solutions for North Texas
  • Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Woman, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Discount makes transportation more affordable

DART launched the Discount GoPass Tap Card Program in January 2020, a few months before the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The closure of DARTmart in DART Headquarters at Akard Station, done to protect the health and safety of both riders and employees, suspended the agency’s ability to register riders for the program in person.

The new online registration form improves the process of enrolling by enabling riders to apply remotely from a computer or smartphone by uploading a photo and qualifying documents.

DART launched the program to reduce social and economic inequalities by making mobility financially feasible to more people. The program increases access to jobs, health care, goods, services, and educational opportunities by reducing the cost of reliable transportation.

“The pandemic increased the financial strain on so many families, and this program can help many reduce their transportation costs,” said Dawn Dorman, DART Community Affairs Representative who is leading the outreach efforts for the program. “We are grateful to all the community partners who are helping DART tell people about Discount GoPass Tap.”

DART worked closely with Parkland Financial Assistance and the West Dallas Multipurpose Center to test the online registration process. The agency is looking for more organizations to partner with DART to reach qualified riders and help them register.

Card lets people ride all of DART at half the fare

Qualified riders can access the registration form by clicking the “Register Now” button. The form and program information are available in both English and Spanish. Once registered, program participants will be mailed an individual Discount GoPass Tap card with their name and photo on it.

Riders then load value onto the cards at a participating retailer, by calling DART Customer Service, or by managing their account online at GoPass.org. When they are ready to tap and go, they just hold the card at the reader before boarding for contactless fare payment. The system will charge a reduced fare automatically.

GoPass Tap cards can only be used on the DART System, which includes DART buses and trains, the Dallas Streetcar, and the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) between EBJ Union Station and CentrePort/DFW Station.

Reduced fares on the Discount GoPass Tap card will expire on December 31, 2021. DART will notify participants in the pilot program if any program changes are announced. If the agency makes the program permanent, riders will need to re-certify to continue receiving the discount.

Learn more about the program by visiting the Discount GoPass Tap webpage at DART.org/TapForHalf. Riders may get help with registering for the program and managing their GoPass Tap account by calling DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, Option 1. Organizations interested in partnering with DART should contact the project team at [email protected].


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