A new public safety campaign called "See Tracks? Think Train!" has launched from non-profit education group Operation Lifesaver. The campaign promotes safety for pedestrians and drivers around railroad tracks and crossings.
"Every day someone’s risky behavior around railroad tracks gets them injured or killed," said OLI President and CEO Joyce Rose. "Our goal with this campaign is to make people think twice before doing something risky or unsafe. Ultimately it’s all about educating people and saving lives."
The campaign features bilingual radio, print, billboard and television advertisements, including the one posted above.
Facts to consider:
• Every three hours a person or vehicle is hit by a train
• 908 were pedestrians hurt or killed while walking on or near railroad tracks in 2013 (a 7.7-percent increase from 2012)
• 1193 people were hurt or killed at rail grade crossings in 2013 (a 1.5-percent increase from 2012)
• 95 percent of all rail-related deaths involve drivers trying to beat a train or pedestrians trespassing on tracks
Partners in the campaign include the Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Transit Administration and the Association of American Railroads.
Learn more about the See Tracks? Think Trains! campaign
here and click
here for more DART-specific rail safety tips.