Take the Survey to Give Input on the Proposed DARTzoom Bus Network Redesign

DARTzoom A New Bus Network DARTzoom A New Bus Network
Posted on May 18, 2021 by DART Daily

Question: How do I weigh in on the draft bus network that DART has proposed?


DARTzoom: A New Bus Network is a complete redesign of the agency’s entire bus network. The new bus network should improve service for nearly 90% of our riders.

DART has changed, added or replaced all the current routes and GoLink zones in the new plan. DART is collecting community input on the draft bus network plan between now and the public hearing, which will be in June.

You can give us your comments and questions in several ways:

1.         Take the Survey
On the DARTzoom Survey page, look at the interactive map to see how service near you would change. Then click on the routes in the interactive map to see where they go, and how frequently buses would come. Be sure to look at all areas where you typically travel, not just where you live.

Then scroll to the bottom of the DARTzoom Survey page and hit the button that says, “Start Survey.”

2.         Attend a Meeting
There are two more online community meetings scheduled on May 20 and May 24. Visit DART.org/meetings to find the meeting link and dial-in number.

On Wednesday, June 2, at 11 a.m., DART will host our second live event in the series: “On the Menu: DARTzoom Bus Network Redesign.” To watch and participate, visit our Facebook page or our YouTube channel and hear from our panel of experts. We will take questions during the one-hour live event and we'll try to answer many of them live. All questions and comments will be collected and logged as part of the public input process.

3.         Request a Presentation
Contact DART Service Planning to request a special briefing for your neighborhood, organization, or other interested groups, throughout the duration of the project by contacting [email protected] or 214-749-2790.

4.         Send Us an Email
Send your comments, questions and concerns to [email protected].

DARTzoom.org often to review the draft bus network plan, find online community meeting dates, participate in surveys, and more.

Join the DARTzoom Email List - Sign up at the bottom of the DARTzoom.org home page and you’ll receive regular updates and an invitation to any future surveys.

The final new bus service plan goes into effect on January 24, 2022.



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