Technology Allows DART to Respond Quickly

Technology Allows DART to Respond Quickly
Posted on Dec 26, 2023 by DART Daily

Whenever any kind of technical disruption happens on the DART Rail System, DART is aware of the issue instantly – and springs into action to set things right.

That’s because DART’s SCADA system communicates everything that happens on the light rail system directly to DART’s Train Control – a kind of “central command center.” SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. The system, which consists of both software and hardware, often allows DART to identify potential issues before they even become problems.

“SCADA takes in just about everything that happens on the DART Rail system and sends it directly to Train Control,” says Howard Kelley II, DART’s Director of Transit Control Center and Field Operations. “We are immediately alerted to any kinds of issue that could result in failure. That means if there’s anything that could impede the smooth operation of our system – from a small a disruption of power to a fire in the tunnel –– we are able to take corrective action immediately.”

Things that are monitored by SCADA include catenary and switch systems. In the event of a disruption, the system helps DART get trains back to moving on time more quickly. “We can’t always control everything,” Howard says, “but with SCADA, we can respond right away and restore service in a timely fashion.”

Categories : DART Daily Knowledge
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