Tell us Do you think DART bus service is adequate? If not, how could it be improved?

Posted on Oct 15, 2014 by dartdallas
DART wants to hear from you! Since adoption of the 2030 Transit System Plan in 2006, the region has continued to experience rapid growth. As DART prepares to update the Transit System Plan to the year 2040, we have determined that a phased approach to the development of this plan would be beneficial for our current and future customers. Introducing the Comprehensive Operations Analysis. As part of the COA, we're analyzing every bus, shuttle, on-call and flex routes to find and identify opportunities to improve and increase efficiencies. DART normally hosts community and public meetings and open houses to solicit community feedback about the changes, but we with COA we're adding a digital approach as well. We have launched the website to engage the community in discussions about DART transit services. We encourage you to visit the site and join the conversation. Thank you for your participation!
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