Transportation news roundup Bus passengers take down robber, driverless cars and public transit
Posted on Dec 20, 2013 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Dec. 20, 2013. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: 1989 - Roger & Me, Michael Moore's satire documentary about trying to meet General Motors Chairman and Chief Executive Roger B. Smith debuts. '> VIDEO: Seattle Bus Passengers Band Together to Take Down Armed Robber NTTA extends payment deadline for payments due during blackout [DMN]
The North Texas Tollway Authority is extending the payment deadline for people who have payments due during a system blackout that begins Friday. The agency is overhauling its software as it prepares to revamp how people without TollTags are billed.
Cincinnati’s Streetcar Victory a Decade in the Making [UrbanCincy]
The final, final, final vote for the first phase of the Cincinnati Streetcar took place today. ... A six-person veto-proof super-majority voted to continue construction. Cincinnati, as Mayor John Cranley (D) said today, will have a streetcar.
What will the impact of automated vehicle technology be on public transportation? [Metro Mag]
On the plus side for transit, with private vehicles equipped with crash avoidance and automated braking technology, there should be fewer cars causing rear-end accidents with buses picking up or dropping off passengers at bus stops.
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