Transportation news roundup First 'mass transit' Super Bowl, Train innovation trumping planes

Posted on Jan 22, 2014 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Jan. 22, 2014. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: 1968 - The Boeing 747 "jumbo jet" is introduced in on Pan Am's New York–London route. LRT_SWMD_Parkland_Station House panel to consider public-private partnerships for eco devo, transportation [Washington Business Journal]
Private businesses could soon take a greater role in helping the federal government oversee transportation, economic development and public building projects.
Super Bowl XLVIII: 1st 'mass transit' game for fans [Newsday]
With parking spaces at a premium and road conditions potentially more congested than normal, most ticket holders for the Feb. 2 game are to arrive at MetLife Stadium by bus or train. And in preparation for the swarm of new riders, transit agencies in New York and New Jersey, including the Long Island Rail Road, are getting their game faces on.
Waco Transit to launch GPS tracking app [KXXV]
WTS buses can also be tracked online or at select locations, by texting a number to find out when your bus will arrive. That's important information for parents of WISD students who are riding Waco Transit buses.
Train or plane? How innovation is giving rail the edge in the battle for passenger spend [Smartrail World]
Recent developments in China and Italy have brought into sharp focus the growing strength of rail versus air travel in the battle for passenger spend.
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