Transportation news roundup Futuristic police car, public transit urine detection

Posted on Dec 27, 2013 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Dec. 27, 2013. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: 1831 - The HMS Beagle departs for its second voyage to explore South America carrying 22-year-old Charles Darwin. Darwin kept a journal of his experience, which was eventually published as The Voyage of the Beagle. Urine detection system installed in Atlanta transit station elevator [WSBTV]
It's a urine detection device, called UDD. If a person relieves her or himself , the sensors sound the alarm and the MARTA police will be there in seconds to catch the offender in the act.
In a Car-Culture Clash, It’s the Los Angeles Police vs. Pedestrians [New York Times]
It is not quite “Dragnet,” but the Police Department in recent weeks has issued dozens of tickets to workers, shoppers and tourists for illegally crossing the street in downtown Los Angeles. And the crackdown is raising questions about whether the authorities are taking sides with the long-dominant automobile here at the very time when a pedestrian culture is taking off, fueled by the burst of new offices, condominiums, hotels and restaurants rising in downtown Los Angeles.
NTSB issues 'urgent' recommendations to protect rail workers [Metro Mag]
The recommendations urge the FTA to issue a directive to all rail transit agencies to require redundant protection for railway right-of-way workers, such as positive train control, secondary warning devices, or the use of a shunt — a safety device workers attach to rails that results in approaching trains receiving a stop signal.
Technology Fuels New Police Cruiser [Wall Street Journal]
It has two infrared monitors mounted on the trunk that record any numbers it sees—such as license plates and addresses. It has surveillance cameras and air sensors capable of sending real-time information to police headquarters. The NYPD says it is the cruiser of the very near future.
2013 Year In Review: 5. DART, Exxon extended benefits [Dallas Voice]
Two local long-running battles ended in victories for LGBT employees and their families this fall when Dallas Area Rapid Transit and ExxonMobil both began offering partner benefits.
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