Transportation news roundup High speed rail hopes in Texas, Google Glass motorist cleared

Posted on Jan 21, 2014 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Jan. 21, 2014. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: 2009 - Toyota passes GM as the world's biggest automaker. Google Glass: Motorist Cleared In Landmark Case [Sky News HD]
Software developer Cecilia Abadie was pulled over for speeding in October last year, and the officer cited her for using a visible "monitor" - a charge usually issued to people driving while watching a television.
A high-speed unknown - Politics, money key factors in rail hopes [Dallas Morning News]
If the idea of Texas high-speed rail is ever to become reality, planners will have to answer questions about more than money and politics. They also must decide what it would mean for the environment.
The Monorail Gets a Second Life in São Paulo [Wired]
They’re testing trains on the 17-mile Silver Line (also known as Line 15) to prepare for regular service. Unlike monorail systems that more tourist attraction than useful transit, the automated Silver Line is designed to move 48,000 passengers each hour each way between two major suburbs when it opens in March.
Traffic tech: New car technology could slash your commute time [NY Daily News]
City planners have been struggling for years to handle increasing numbers of automobiles in urban and suburban areas. Thanks to a raft of new technologies being developed by carmakers, municipalities, or in some cases, both, our commutes may soon become much more enjoyable – or at least a bit more tolerable.
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