Transportation news roundup Transportation bill dilemma, 'No Pants Ride' history

Posted on Jan 16, 2014 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Jan. 16, 2014. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: 1919 - The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes is prohibited as the 18th Amendment is ratified. Congress to face dilemma in funding long-term transportation bill [Washington Post]
The Obama administration Wednesday again touted corporate tax reforms as a means to pay for roads, bridges and transit but acknowledged that Congress may take the lead as the traditional funding source for transportation nears extinction.
Vandergriff prioritizes rail, transportation funding [FW Business Press]
Hoping to ensure Fort Worth’s place in future commuter rail routing, state transportation officials have announced a committee to seek funding resources.
Pantless Pranksters: The History Of The No Pants Subway Ride [International Business Times]
Though its popularity continues to grow, a lot of people remain a little unclear on the purpose of the hilarious -- and quite deliberate -- display of undies that happens each year.
Metra defends performance during snow, cold [Chicago Tribune]
For the first time since the onset of last week's perilous weather, Metra's top management turned out publicly Tuesday in a bid to repair the agency's image, battered by weather-induced delays, cancellations and most recently shortages of passenger cars.
TriMet rail sells more than 500K mobile tickets [Metro Mag]
The free TriMet Tickets app has been downloaded more than 60,000 times since the agency launched it in early September. The app allows riders to buy fares on their smartphones.
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