TSA Extends the Federal Face Mask Requirement for Public Transit through April 18

Face Mask Requirement Extended Through April 18, 2022 Face Mask Requirement Extended Through April 18, 2022
Posted on Mar 18, 2022 by DART News Release
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) extended the face mask requirement (SD 1582/84-21-01D) for individuals across all transportation networks throughout the United States, including at airports, onboard commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems through April 18, 2022.Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will continue to require a CDC approved face mask be worn over the mouth and nose by passengers, operators and contractors at all times while on DART vehicles including buses, trains, paratransit vehicles, GoLink vehicles, Trinity Railway Express trains, in DART buildings, and onboard the Dallas Streetcar.Refusing to wear a mask, unless exempted or excluded under the CDC guidelines, is a violation of federal law and failure to comply will result in denial of boarding or removal, and passengers may be subject to federal penalties, including a fine ranging from $500 for the first offense up to $3,000 for repeat offenders.Face masks and hand sanitizer dispensers are installed on buses, light rail vehicles, TRE vehicles and Dallas Streetcars, and will continue to be available to all passengers.If a DART passenger is concerned with someone not wearing a mask, they can contact DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, or use the "DART Say Something" app, which can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play for free.Staying Safe While Riding DARTDART remains committed to doing everything possible to keep both our patrons and employees safe through this pandemic. The agency remains in close contact with local, state, and national health authorities, including the Texas Department of State Health Services and the CDC. DART encourages passengers who feel sick or are experiencing symptoms to stay home and avoid public places.Cleaning and ProtectionDART continues to undertake aggressive agency-wide cleaning and safety protocols on buses, light rail, paratransit vehicles and properties. In addition to thorough nightly cleanings, DART buses and trains are also cleaned on a rotating basis with hydrogen peroxide-based cleaning solutions to sanitize and disinfect each vehicle.Social DistancingDART recommends maintaining a six-foot distance between both fellow riders and your DART operator, leaving an open seat between yourself and other riders when available, avoiding large groups, and staying home if you feel sick or are experiencing symptoms.You can find more information about how DART is working to keep our passengers safe at www.dart.org/health.https://www.dart.org/news/news.asp?ID=1636
Categories : DART Daily News
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