UK's Bio-Bus gets its power from - ahem - sewage and food waste
Posted on Nov 25, 2014 by thudsondd
biobus A new bus in the United Kingdom is taking the concept of "alternative fuels" to a new, very smelly level. The Bio-Bus is a 40-seater that is powered entirely by biomethane. Biomethane is generated from sewage and food waste through a process called anaerobic digestion and ironically, the bus helps the local air quality by producing lower emissions. Learn more about that process in the video below.
"The bus also clearly shows that human poo and our waste food are valuable resources. Food which is unsuitable for human consumption should be separately collected and recycled through anaerobic digestion into green gas and biofertilisers, not wasted in landfill sites or incinerators." - Charlotte Morton, chief executive of Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association
The Bio-Bus is operating on the A4 line from the Bath Bus Company. This UK bus is powered by food waste and poop [TreeHugger]
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