Valentine's Day roundup Love and transit across the nation

Posted on Feb 14, 2014 by thudsondd
Transit love stories: Meeting Cupid on the bus or train [USA Today]
Each day in the USA, millions of people hop on the bus or train, or both, for a ride to work and back. Or they take transit to run errands, or catch a movie or sporting event. Every day at least 12 million people make about 35 million trips on public transportation. And every day, somebody catches somebody's eye, and maybe someone finally decides to make a move on that person they have been admiring.
Now You Can Speed Date During Your Morning Commute [Wired]
In an event officially sanctioned and hosted by L.A.’s Metro Transportation Authority, afternoon commuters riding in specially decorated cars on the L.A. subway will have a chance at finding love with the passengers they typically ignore in stoic silence.
An X2-Rated Love Story [Washington CityPaper]
Once they started chatting, they discovered they had more in common than just press lists: They both went to journalism grad school at Berkeley, worked at the Dallas Morning News at different times, and knew many of the same people in the journalism world.
Indy couple found love on the bus [Indy Star]
Seven years ago, on a frigid January afternoon, Rita Wiley, 59, bundled up after a day of work at the City-County Building and headed to the IndyGo bus stop at East Washington and South Delaware streets. As she approached the stop, she noticed a handsome stranger with a goatee huddled among the other riders-to-be that afternoon. The stranger, 60-year-old Phillip, noticed her, too. After a bit of eye contact, Rita made her move.
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