Watch for surveyors on DART buses, trains and the TRE

Posted on Aug 27, 2014 by thudsondd
Parker Rd Station 6-6-14_19 Don't be alarmed if you're handed a card with a barcode on your morning bus trip or asked some question when entering a DART or TRE train. It's a part of a regional transit survey being conducted by the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Passengers of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA), the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (The T) and the Trinity Railway Express (TRE), jointly operated by DART and The T, will be asked to participate in two types of surveys over the next several months. DART and TRE passengers participated in these studies earlier this year, but more input is needed to meet the goal of capturing responses from 10 percent of riders.
Please note that participation in the surveys is completely voluntary and they are being done to paint a picture on how the transit system is used so we can better plan for future services. Find more details about the survey from the NCTCOG over yonder.
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