Weekend news bits Santas pack DART, GoPass earns rave reviews

Posted on Dec 8, 2014 by thudsondd
No, Santa hasn't traded in the reindeer for DART's light rail, but rather hundreds of Santas packed onto a DART train over the weekend as part of the Dallas Santa Rampage. See more pictures from the event right here. Elsewhere, Dallas Morning News technology adviser Jim Rossman wrote about using DART's GoPass app.
Even if you only ride buses or trains once or twice a year, you should download the app and make it easy on yourself. The GoPass app takes a lot of the stress out of riding public transportation.
Click here to read the rest of Rossman's review. Photos: Rampage! Santas, including Storm Trooper, take over DART and Arts District [Dallas Morning News] DART’s GoPass app takes stress out of riding public transit [Dallas Morning News]
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