What can you expect from DARTzoom: A New Bus Network?

UNT Dallas Station - GoLink and DART bus UNT Dallas Station - GoLink and DART bus
Posted on Mar 22, 2021 by DART Daily

DART is in the process of redesigning its entire bus network to create a system that matches today’s travel patterns. Unlike past bus planning that adjusted routes to serve new rail lines or developments, this new five-year bus service plan is a complete overhaul.

Known as DARTzoom: A New Bus Network, the plan will implement most of the transformation up front with a major service change in January 2022.

So, what will these changes mean to you? Here are the highlights:

Better Access to Bus Service – 74% of service-area residents would have access to service within a half mile on weekdays midday, compared to 68% for the existing network.

Improved Frequency and Longer Hours – The number of high-frequency routes – which have light rail-like schedules – will increase from seven to 22. A larger percentage of routes will have 30-minute or 40-minute headways, and off-peak service frequency will increase.

More Weekend Service – All local routes will have both Saturday and Sunday service.

Longer Routes, More Crosstown Service – Short feeder routes will be replaced with longer combined routes that have more crosstown functionality 

Expanded GoLink Service – The number of GoLink zones will nearly double as GoLink service will replace under-performing fixed routes and maintain service coverage. Existing zones will be expanded, and more weekend hours will be offered.

Restored Service Levels – Overall service quantities (hours, miles, dollars) are designed to match January 2020 bus service levels.

Increased Job Access – 70% of service-area jobs will be located within a half mile of a bus stop on weekdays midday, compared to 66% for the existing network. More jobs will be reachable in 75 minutes or less for all demographic groups.

Check DARTzoom.org often to review the draft bus network plan, find online community meeting dates, participate in surveys, and more.

There are other ways to stay involved. You can join the project email list at the bottom of the DARTzoom.org home page and you’ll receive regular updates and an invitation to any future surveys. You also may request special briefings for your neighborhood organization, or other interested groups throughout the duration of the project, by contacting [email protected] or 214-749-2790.


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