What’s DART’s 2018 Resolution? Moving North Texas Forward!

Posted on Jan 11, 2018 by dartdallas
Exploring the region. Making healthy choices. Finding that perfect dream job. Connecting with friends and family. Taking advantage of educational opportunities. Here at DART, we know you have resolutions, and we are here to help you achieve them. We also want to let you know that we have our own resolution: we resolve to being the region’s mobility manager and doing our part in helping move North Texas forward. A Look Back at 2017 2017 was a whirlwind year for DART and for North Texas. We’ve made significant progress on a number of exciting transit projects, including better bus service, the Cotton Belt and the D2 Subway.  Highlights include:
  • In early autumn, DART submitted a revised Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the D2 Subway to the Federal Transit Administration, seeking a grant through their Core Capacity Program. Guided by the FTA, DART will seek 50/50 funding for the D2 Subway project.
  • DART held a series of Open Houses for the Cotton Belt regional rail line throughout the North Texas region. Missed our Cotton Belt video? Take a look here to see DART’s plan for the Cotton Belt and our vision for how it will continue to make our region more mobile.
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  • DART doesn’t just think about future projects. We continually assess our current service and strive to make it better. New bus routes and changes to frequency and service are some of the ways DART is working to meet the needs of our region.
 Resolutions for a Stronger North Texas  In 2018, DART resolves to continue moving North Texas forward by:
  • Helping North Texas continue to grow and thrive. The Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington area was one of the nation’s fastest growing metropolitan areas last year, and the fourth-highest in terms of projected job growth. In order to support the sheer volume of people moving to our area, DART resolves to help North Texas continue to grow and expand to meet this increasing demand in smart, sustainable ways.
  • Expanding economic opportunities. Studies show that investing in public transit exponentially increases local business sales. A wider range of transit options provided by DART helps spur local investment and economic growth, supporting existing jobs and businesses while helping create new ones.
  • Working side-by-side with stakeholders, riders, and the public. In each of the cities we serve, DART works closely with riders and non-riders alike to develop the most effective transit solution to meet local needs. In 2018, we plan on building upon this spirit of collaboration, seeking input from local communities as we continue to expand our reach into new service areas with innovative transit solutions.
  • Focusing on tomorrow, today. DART has been an integral part of North Texas’ story since its inception in 1983. While we value our past and are working in the present to improve regional transit, we are always thinking of the future and how we can best help local businesses, communities, and individuals continue to thrive.
Cheers to 2018!  North Texans are a diverse bunch—with varying interests, jobs, and transit needs. Maintaining a mix of transit options as diverse as our population in 2018 is essential in helping us all get where we need to go, connect to new economic opportunities, and make North Texas a destination. DART continues to fulfill our mission to build, establish, and operate a safe, efficient, and effective multi-modal transit system that increases mobility, improves everyone’s quality of life whether they ride or not, and boosts our entire region’s economy. So while sticking to your New Year’s resolutions may be a challenge, DART is here to make it just a little bit easier. We may not be able to ensure you actually go the gym, but we can make sure you’re able to get there more easily and efficiently. That’s how we’re moving North Texas forward in 2018 and beyond.
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