What Will Our Multi-Modal System Look Like in North Texas by 2040?

Posted on Jan 30, 2018 by dartdallas

DART’s 2040 Transit System Plan is in development, and considers the future of all different types of mobility options. Planning-ahead is essential, especially since DART’s transit projects are so large and can take years to develop and construct. In this series, we’ve looked at what’s inside DART’s 20-Year Financial Plan, including the general planning process as well as DART’s plan for expansion and buses. 

What’s On Track for Our System Overall? 

DART has two primary focuses when it comes to thinking about the future of Capital Planning Projects in North Texas. One of these are projects in the “Committed Program” and projects in the designated “Future Projects” group.

Committed Program 

Projects in the “Committed Program” are those where DART has undertaken extensive planning and/or engineering for, and that have committed or proposed funding plans. In addition, these projects have had informational public and stakeholder meetings. They are planned for construction no later than 2025. Within this category are projects you are probably familiar with:

  • D2 Subway
  • Platform Extensions
  • Cotton Belt
  • TRE Program
  • Dallas Streetcar Central Link
  • Infill Stations

Future Potential Projects 

Projects in the future category are those that can be used to enhance and sustain the overall system. The 2040 Transit System Plan is considering future projects and improvements that DART may integrate to keep up with growth and enhance mobility. Some of these projects include:

  • Fleet and facility expansion
  • Cotton Belt corridor improvements
  • TRE corridor improvements
  • Dallas Streetcar System Plan

New Opportunities for Mobility Improvements 

The DART 2040 Transit System Plan will outline steps to enhance accessibility for all North Texans. Accessibility can be improved in many ways ranging from technology to enhanced customer information, to partnerships that can supplement existing service or provide more cost-effective service delivery solutions. System-wide improvements including “first and last mile connections” are also being proposed. First and last-mile connections refer to how people travel to complete their trip to or from a transit stop. DART is working with transportation partners to increase options to bridge that distance and make transit a viable choice for more people.

Continuing to make repairs and system enhancements, as well as increasing safety and security are continuing priorities for DART. Stay tuned to learn more about DART’s 2040 Transit System Plan, and what we have in mind to keep our multi-modal transit system sustainable, affordable, and reliable for the future.


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