Your Next Stop Entering the 2019 DART Student Art Contest

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 by dartdallas
DART is calling all young artists to share their next stop and how DART can take them there! It's time for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade to begin working on their entries for the 2019 DART Student Art Contest. Get started with these general guidelines. For a complete list or contest rules, visit 1. Designs must be original work created by the student and should illustrate the theme: "My next stop is _______." (You fill in the blank!) 2. The poster must measure 11" high x 17" wide. The design should be laid out horizontally and submitted on heavy paper such as poster, tag or illustration board. 3. All entries must include a completed copy of this entry form. Affix the completed form to the back of the artwork. 4. Early entry option: Students who submit their entries by Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, will receive a special prize! 5. All entries due no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, and should be mailed or personally delivered to:

Jessica D. Lennon DART's Transit Education Program 2019 Student Art Contest Dallas Area Rapid Transit 1401 Pacific Avenue P.O. Box 660163 Dallas, TX 75266-0163

6. DART staff will notify the teachers or parents of the winners no later than Wednesday, February 20, 2019, via a phone call and/or email. All winners will be invited to a special recognition program and reception at the Dallas Museum of Art (details TBD). 7. All artwork becomes the property of DART and may be used with appropriate credit to the artist. By entering the contest, you consent to have your name and photograph appear as one of the winners. 8. For more information about the contest, please contact Jessica D. Lennon at [email protected] or 214-749-2582.   Community Partners: Dallas Contemporary, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Zoo, Half Price Books, Perot Museum of Nature and Science Media Partners: Al Dia, Dallas Morning News, Familia DFW, NBC DFWPlano Profile, Suburban Parent Magazines, Telemundo 39
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