DART Bus Network is Changing, Your Input Needed

DART rider loading bike on bus DART rider loading bike on bus
Posted on Apr 27, 2021 by DART Daily

DART’s bus network is getting a complete overhaul and that means positive changes for riders, including better access to bus service, improved frequency and longer hours, more weekend service, expanded GoLink service, increased job access, and more. 

Nothing is final yet. Riders are encouraged to weigh in on these proposed changes and help shape future service. A survey is available on DARTzoom.org and on DARTzoom.org/es in Spanish. Community meetings also have been scheduled.

Click here to learn how to participate in one of these virtual community meetings.

Additionally, DART is hosting a live event, “On the Menu: DARTzoom Bus Network Redesign,” Thursday, April 29, at noon CDT.

Here are the details of the April 29 live event:

What: A panel discussion event that will stream live on DART’s YouTube and Facebook channels. DARTzoom experts will describe and explain DART’s draft new bus network.

When: Thursday, April 29, at noon CDT (local Dallas-area time).

Where: Visit our Facebook page or our YouTube channel and follow the hashtag #DARTzoom for real-time updates.

Why: Our goals are to receive public input about the redesign of DART’s bus network and to discuss how the new network will better serve our riders.

Our panelists will be:

  • Rob Smith, DART Interim Vice President of Planning and Development
  • Dawn Dorman, DART Community Affairs Representative
  • Carlos Huerta, DART Community Affairs Representative
  • Michelle Poyourow, Jarrett Walker + Associates Senior Associate Transportation Planner

Submit Your Questions!
We will take questions during the one-hour live event. You can also post your questions in the comment section of this platform in advance and we may address those questions during the live April 29 event.

Stay tuned for more to come. And, for more information about DARTzoom: A New Bus Network, visit DARTzoom.org or DARTzoom.org/es.

Watch the video in Spanish.


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