DART Conserves Water from Washing Buses to Watering Plants

DART Bus Wash dart-bus-wash-side-view
Posted on Apr 3, 2023 by DART Daily

We celebrate Earth Month in April annually, but DART practices sustainability and conservation year-round.

For example, the agency has systems in place to conserve water.

DART has a fleet of nearly 700 buses stored at three operating facilities, so keeping buses clean is not only a round-the-clock operation, but also a water-intensive one!

To conserve water, DART captures the water used in the wash as it drains into the floor. The system reclaims up to 75% of the water, processes it through a filtration system, and reuses the water on other buses. Since DART simply air dries its buses, this is yet another savings of energy and resources. When you consider how many times that DART washed its each year, you realize what a big impact this makes.

Watch this video to get an insider’s view of the bus wash and how DART reclaims and filters the water!

Another way the agency conserves water is in its landscaping choices. DART operates 65 light rail stations, 14 bus transit centers, and six commuter rail stations – and that’s just the facilities for our riders.  

The agency’s Passenger Amenities/Facilities Services team has been replacing trees and plants at our older rail stations, transit centers, and operating facilities with native and adapted plants that are more drought-tolerant and require less watering. At our newer passenger facilities, DART has installed drought-tolerant plants from the start.

Categories : DART Daily Knowledge
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