DART Embraces Sustainability Practices

DART Proterra Electric Bus
Posted on Aug 2, 2022 by DART Daily

Tomorrow, August 3, 2022, is Clean Air Action Day in North Texas. Public transit is eco-friendly by nature – taking cars off our congested roadways and reducing harmful greenhouse and air pollutant gases that contribute to air quality problems. DART takes every measure to ensure its activities in the community have minimal impact on the environment as well. 

Reducing our Carbon Footprint 
DART operates seven zero-emission, all-electric buses, as well as electric light rail trains and the battery-electric Dallas Streetcar vehicles, which are also zero-emission vehicles.  

Promoting Clean Air with CNG Buses
DART’s bus fleet uses clean-burning compressed natural gas, which promotes clean air and reduces fuel costs.

Conserving Water
Keeping DART’s nearly 600 buses clean and ready to serve the public is a round-the-clock operation. To conserve water, DART captures all of the water used in the wash as it drains into the floor. Up to 75% of the water is reclaimed, processed by a filtration system and later reused.

Enriching the Environment
DART has reduced landscaping costs and lowered its water consumption by using native and adapted plants at rail stations and transit centers that are more drought-tolerant and will require less pruning and replanting.

Using Solar Power
The lights in approximately 90% of DART’s passenger shelters are solar-powered and the agency has 120 freestanding solar lights at bus stops throughout the system.

Recycling Materials
The agency recycles up to 22,000 gallons of antifreeze per year, and recycles all plastic jugs, aluminum cans, and tons of paper. 

Encouraging DARTable Staycations
North Texans can do their part for the environment by driving less and riding DART instead. With the kids out of school for the summer and parents looking for ways to entertain them, now is a great time to explore DARTable activities throughout North Texas using public transit.

Now through Aug. 10, DART is offering a buy-one-get-one-free deal on a Local Day Pass. Limited quantities available. Just use the code DARTABLESTAYCATION at checkout on DART’s GoPass app. 

Categories : DART Daily Knowledge
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