Everything You Need to Know About the DART Discount GoPass Tap Program

Discount GoPass Tap Renewal
Posted on Dec 26, 2024 by DART Daily

The DART Discount GoPass® Tap program, offering significant savings on DART fares for eligible riders, is now a permanent program thanks to a decision by the DART Board of Directors. To maintain their discounted rates, current cardholders must renew their cards before December 31, 2024.

How does the Discount GoPass Tap card work?
Like a prepaid card, you load value onto your Discount GoPass Tap card account before you start riding DART. Then, you simply touch the card to the electronic reader every time you board or transfer to a vehicle. Your fare is deducted automatically.

Who is eligible for a GoPass Tap card?
If you’ve met the qualifications for the following assistance programs, you automatically qualify for a Discount GoPass Tap card.

What are the benefits of my GoPass Tap card?

  • Save 50% on regular-priced local fares.
  • Get the best fare every time you ride automatically.
  • Never pay more than the total cost of a Reduced Day Pass in a calendar day or the total cost of a Reduced Monthly Pass in a calendar month.
  • Reload your card at hundreds of Participating Retailers, online at GoPass.org, or by calling DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, Option 1.
  • Never lose your account balance if your card is ever lost or stolen, so long as your card is registered. Visit GoPass.org to register.
  • Check your balance by managing your account online or over the phone.

How do I register my Discount GoPass Tap card?
Your card is automatically registered when it's issued. As soon as you start using your card, you benefit from daily and monthly fare capping and account balance recovery.

If you provide an email address when you register, you will receive a message to remind you to fully register your card so you can manage your account online.

To create an online account, go to GoPass.org and click "Create New Account" at the top of the page. Once you have set up your GoPass Tap Account, you can reload your card, view your transaction history, and save payment methods online.

If I already have a GoPass Tap card, how do I renew my card?
Come in person to DARTmart located at the Akard Station. Please provide documentation that verifies you will receive benefits from a qualifying assistance program during 2025. The expiration date of your new GoPass Tap card will be based on the eligibility period of your qualifying assistance program. On the date that your qualifying benefit expires, your GoPass Tap card will also expire. Once registered, you will receive a new card. Any balance remaining on your old card will be transferred to the new one.

Should your benefits from a qualifying agency be renewed or extended, you will need to reapply for the Discount GoPass Tap card to receive a new tap card.

If you do not renew your registration by Dec. 31, 2024, your Discount GoPass Tap card will still work, but the system will now deduct a full local adult fare. Your card will no longer serve as a reduced-fare photo ID.

Can I use my Discount GoPass Tap card on the TRE?
You can ride the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) as far west as DFW Airport/CentrePort Station. You will need to purchase a regional fare to travel beyond this station, and for use on the Trinity Metro or Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) systems.

Where are the electronic readers for the Discount GoPass Tap card?
They are located on buses and at rail stations. You will need to tap every time you board a DART vehicle, but do not tap as you exit or de-board. To use your Discount GoPass Tap card on GoLink you will need to call 214-515-7272 to make a reservation.

How much does it cost to get a Discount GoPass Tap card?
There is no purchase or activation fee. However, there is an initial $6 minimum load, which is the cost of two-day passes.

What information do I need to provide to get a Discount GoPass Tap card?
You will need to provide your first name and last name, a photo and current proof of participation in any of the qualifying assistance programs.

Will I need additional identification when using my Discount GoPass Tap card?
No. The card itself acts as proof of eligibility for a reduced fare.

How do I get a Discount GoPass Tap card for my spouse or children?
Each family member must register individually, and each will receive his or her own Discount GoPass Tap card. When you apply for your tap card, each family member will need to show their name on to appear on upload your current participant card or agency letter from a qualifying assistance program and any documentation that lists all family members who also receive benefits.

What if I applied for a Discount GoPass Tap card a week or two ago, but I haven’t heard back or received my card in the mail?
Your card may take up to 15 business days to arrive in the mail. If it has been longer than that, call DART's Tap for Half team at 972-482-6491.

How long is a Discount GoPass Tap card valid?
The expiration date of your new Discount GoPass Tap card will be based on the eligibility period of your qualifying assistance program. For example, if your qualifying benefit expires on March 5, 2025, then your Discount GoPass Tap card will also expire.

What information will be on my Discount GoPass Tap card?
The Discount GoPass Tap card is white and has your name, photo, and a printed expiration date. DART fare enforcement officers, police officers, and bus operators know that anyone with this card qualifies for reduced DART fares.

Do you have to live in the DART Service Area to get a Discount GoPass Tap card?
No. The only requirement for the Discount GoPass Tap card program is that you are a participant in one of the qualifying assistance programs.

Where can I reload my Discount GoPass Tap card?
You can add value to your tap card with cash or credit at hundreds of retail locations, including CVS, Dollar General, Family Dollar, and many independent convenience stores. Find a location near you at GoPass.org under the "GoPass Tap" menu.

You also can add value to your account online at GoPass.org, or by calling DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, Option 1.

What is the minimum and maximum value I can store on my Discount GoPass Tap card?
When you receive your Discount GoPass Tap card, you must put at least $6 of value on your account. When you reload the tap card, you can add as little as $1 up to a total value of $200.

How do I check the balance on my Discount GoPass Tap card?
You can check the balance on your tap card by logging into your account at GoPass.org or by calling DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, Option 1.

Who do I contact if I have issues with my Discount GoPass Tap card?
Please call DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, Option 1.

Can I pay for more than one person with the same Discount GoPass Tap card?
No. Each person must have their own, unique Discount GoPass Tap card.

How will I know if I have enough balance on my Discount GoPass Tap card?
If you tap your card at the reader and see a yellow circle on the screen with the words "Low Card Balance," it means you have enough money for that trip - but you need to add funds before the next one.

If you see a red circle with an "X" and the words "Load Funds," then you do not have enough money in your account for the trip. You can still buy a Reduced Local Pass at the bus farebox or ticket vending machine (TVM). Your Discount GoPass Tap card will serve as your reduced-fare photo ID.

How will Fare Enforcement Officers know I tapped?
On trains, fare enforcement officers have handheld devices to verify that you tapped your card at the card reader prior to boarding.

What is fare capping?
When you tap your card, you are never charged more than the cost of a Day Pass  in a single day, or a Monthly Pass  in a calendar month. The system always gives you the "best fare."

What if I lose my Discount GoPass Tap Card?
If your card is lost or stolen, call DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111, Option 1, or log on to GoPass.org.

DART will freeze your account so that no one can use your card. You will still retain any funds that remain on it.

Where do I go for more information about the Discount GoPass Tap Card?
Please visit DART.org/TapForHalf or call DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111.

Categories : DART Daily Knowledge
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