For Sale: Cotton Belt Railroad Bridge over White Rock Creek in Dallas County

White Rock Creek Bridge White Rock Creek Bridge
Posted on Jul 13, 2021 by DART Daily

DART has regularly sold off end-of-life buses or excess parcels of land. But this time the agency has a piece of railroading history on the market: a bridge.

White Rock Creek Bridge is a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligible structure on the Cotton Belt Railroad corridor spanning White Rock Creek. The 125-foot bridge was constructed in 1917.

The bridge is a single span Warren with vertical pony truss manufactured by the American Bridge Company, organized by J.P. Morgan and Company in 1900.

Removal of the bridge is required to accommodate DART’s new Silver Line Regional Rail project. Currently, the bridge is a single-track truss bridge which has been in disuse for approximately 30 years.

The bridge is offered for $1.00 with the condition that the removal of the bridge components from DART property shall be at the sole expense and responsibility of the recipient of the bridge. This offer is available until August 13, 2021.

If interested this bridge for reuse elsewhere, conservation, curation, or other preservation-related uses, please contact Victor Ibewuike with DART at 214-749-2821 or [email protected].

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