Transportation news roundup M-Line trolley grows, high-tech traffic lights
Posted on Dec 23, 2013 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Dec. 23, 2013. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: The Rutan Model 76 Voyager completed the first trip around the world on one tank of fuel. It landed on this day on a runway in the Mojave desert after completing the nine-day trip around the world. GE Makes the Most Hypnotically Pulsating Video Ever About Intermodal Freight Transport McKinney Avenue trolley line is adding car for first time in 25 years [DMN]
Betty is an 8-decade-old, 50-seat trolley that hasn’t run on Dallas rails since the 1950s. Trolley officials plan to begin street-testing it as early as this week. The car, which will be the largest in the McKinney Avenue fleet, will help meet the heavier demand on the system since the opening of Klyde Warren Park in October 2012.
New Funds Approved for Critical Repairs to Damaged Roads in Booming Energy Areas [TXDOT]
The funding, part of the $225 million provided by the Legislature through House Bill 1025 for energy sector road improvements, will allow the Texas Department of Transportation to begin repairing and rehabilitating roadways damaged by heavy trucks and increased traffic in these regions.
TSA launches new Web site pages aimed at kids and Spanish-speaking travelers [GSN]
The agency says the new pages are part of TSA’s goal to help all passengers understand what to expect when going through airport security.
Odds of hitting a red light in Utah? Just 1-in-4 [Salt Lake Tribune]
Utah has a first-in-the-nation system that is finally taking the guesswork out of how well signals are timed — and it is attracting plenty of visits from out-of-state officials hoping to copy it, and has become a hot topic at national conferences.
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