U.S. DOT Awards $25 Million for Sidewalk Construction near DART Blue Line Stations

Morrell Station Morrell Station
Posted on Aug 18, 2022 by U.S. Department of Transportation news release

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) will receive $25 million for the construction of over 30 miles of sidewalk in the half-mile radius of DART’s 8th & Corinth, Morrell, Illinois, and Kiest stations. The project will also extend the Cedar Crest Trail approximately 1.5 miles, and improve transit accommodations with upgrades and safety features at nearby bus stops on DART Route 217 and at Blue Line light rail stations including Kiest, VA Medical Center, and Morrell stations.

The project enhancements will address safety concerns caused by inadequate or missing sidewalks, and improve the safety of pedestrians and transit riders. The project will improve transit access in a community where 17% of the population lacks access to a personal vehicle.

The project is the result of collaboration between NCTCOG, the City of Dallas, and DART, and has included robust public engagement processes. It includes innovative technologies such as Next Generation SMART Shelters at the stations.

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