Watch Cranes Lower Canopies into Place at DART’s New Hidden Ridge Station

DART Hidden Ridge Station canopy installation DART Hidden Ridge Station canopy installation
Posted on Mar 10, 2021 by Karen Ptacek and Johnny Elbow

Building a new light rail station often requires feats of engineering. But the challenge increases when that station is being built along an active rail line.

For the upcoming Hidden Ridge Station at Carpenter Ranch – located between the North Lake College and Irving Convention Center stations on the Orange Line in the Las Colinas area of Irving – DART faced this exact predicament.

In November, DART suspended rail service over several weekends to enable its contractor Archer Western Construction to complete complex construction tasks at the station site. To ease the impact on riders, the agency offered shuttle buses between the affected stations.

Over one weekend, crews assembled the steel canopy arches on site, then lifted them into place using a large crane. Check out the time-lapse video of the canopy installation.

Hidden Ridge Station – which is projected to open in mid-April – will serve Hidden Ridge, a 110-acre mixed-use development on land that Verizon purchased next to its regional corporate campus. Located on the site of the former Carpenter family ranch, Verizon partnered with the city of Irving to bring this transit-oriented development to life.

Once open, the new Orange Line station will provide rail and bus access to area residents, several nearby hotels, and Pioneer Natural Resources’ new headquarters. In addition, the station provides convenient connections to DFW Airport and neighboring developments, such as Water Street, Toyota Music Factory, Irving Convention Center, and the Las Colinas Urban Center. The long-term vision for Hidden Ridge includes more office space for corporate tenants, a full-service hotel, residential units, restaurant and retail space, and a 2-acre park.

Read more about the Hidden Ridge Station project in this article from the Summer 2020 issue of the Inmotion newsletter.


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